Wednesday, November 27, 2013

weigh-in-wednesday: it is what it is

i'm going to cut to the chase..... this week's weigh-in was 151.8 :(
here's what i think happened this week:
  1. i emotionally ate thursday and friday aka not diet-friendly
  2. i ate a calorie- dense late night snack on monday night
food is 80% weight loss, and exercise is the other 20%.
i did very well 4/7 days, but i eat a lot of calorie-packed foods when i do emotionally eat.
BUT i did exercise! i'm home for thanksgiving and we have a treadmill in our house so working out is easy. i've been jogging/walking 4 miles three times this week so far (saturday, sunday, tuesday).

my weigh-in kind of upsets me because i can only blame myself. all i can do is be positive and move on. soooooo here's to losing weight!!

next week's goal: 149 lbs (again)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

weigh-in wednesday: new starting weight

this morning i weighed in at: 151 lbs.
better than i thought, but obviously not where i want to be.

i would LOVE to be in the low to mid 130's by march 1st, but my ultimate goal weight is to be 120.
if i lose 2lbs a week, i should be 125ish lbs by march 1st :):):):):):):)

i want to continue eating right and exercising as often as i can. i feel like right now i lay in bed a lot, and only work out for like 30-45 min a day. but other than that i am pretty sedentary. in the spring semester, i hope to have a job so that will make me be more on my feet.

my goal for this week is to weigh 149!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

first day at it

today is *officially* the first day back on the wagon.
i'm going to be a lean, mean, lard-losing machine.

but im not gonna lie..... ive been eating less than stellar this past weekend. BUT NOT LOOKING BACKWARDS. only looking forward from here on out.

today at the srat house i will have a salad with turkey/chicken breast for lunch, fruit for a snack, and a healthy dinner (i forget what's for dinner. but if the main entree is fattening/gross, we always have grilled chicken breast as an alternative). and more fruit for dessert.

the hardest thing in college for me is exercising. i am just SOOO SO SO SO lazy. i'd rather stay in bed and do hw/watch netflix/go on facebook than go to the gym...
but when i'm home working out is so much easier because i have a treadmill in my room. i bought it in high school with my own money and it was one of the best investments i have ever made.

so yeah anyway.... here's to staying positive :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

it's been a hot minute

wow it's been a hot minute since i've posted. but then again i never really started to begin with haha.

so i'm now a junior in college and living the life. i absolutely love life, my friends, my sisters, my EVERYTHING.

but..... one thing i dont love is my weight. from today, i want to post my journey to reaching my goal weight. ideally i'd like to be around 120 since i'm 5'2''. that was my weight in highschool and i looked DAMN good. but now, i've gained since then soooooooo yeah.

so here's the deets: spring break is march 1st this year. i weigh around 155 lbs (omg embarrasing). ideally i would like to be in the 120's by march 1st. so in 3.5 months i want to lose about 30 pounds.

the plan: workout at least 4 times a week (we have great gyms at UF), and eat HEALTHY. 
I don’t want to count calories, but I want to eat HEALTHY foods and eat conservatively. Work out for fun/because I know it’s good for me. 

Eating at the sorority house is the hardest part though. Dessert every night. Heavy lunches. DESSERT.
For example, today we are having TACO BAR (so good) with beef, cheese, guacamole, chips, flour tortillas…. Not diet friendly. And for dinner tonight is ribs, mac and cheese, and baked beans. And THEN for dessert we have MILKSHAKES and SMORES!!!! And today is my twin’s bday table, so most likely an insane dessert. 

i'll do a weigh-in-wednesday every week to be accountable and share my results.
 (hopefully not all of my posts will be this scatterbrained and boring).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Things

Tis the season to be jolly for exams! blah.

however, i am taking a break from the madness to unwind and paint my nails!
of course i'm going to conform and do what all the cool kids are doing nowadays and imitate this:

hella kewl

i'm not just going to paint my nails in my dorm like a normal kid would do.
im going to rebel and paint them in the library. *GASP*
i know, coral is going cray cray.

^^ typical library scene- john, pringles, laptop, and my boot.

and as usual, im just chillin-

not to bore you about the weather, but it is freaking COLD in gainesville.
WTF mother nature? i swear she's bipolar.

aaaaaaaand here's my lunch-


Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday's Madness

hello there,
Coral speaking.

I'm just going to do a list of what is floating in my head right now-

1.) apparently there is a new trend in nail polish, and i wanna jump on the band wagon.

mmmm seductive
(the one-nail-is-different-than-the-rest trend)

2.) what the fluff is up with exams being SO LATE??? maybe it's just UF, but jesus.
i'm kinda like this cutie-

3.)  want to know a devastating event that happened on saturday?
me, muri, jasmin, and bianca were REALLY wanting to go to TCBY on saturday.
we drove there after a publix pit-stop and they were CLOSED. WTF.
but no, not just for saturday only. until JANUARY FREAKIN 3RD.
damn you, delicious frozen yogurt.

4.) in other news, christmas break begins in t-minus ten days. HOLLA

5.) but what sucks is, i wont be able to see all of my IBers
at the geek fest  ceremony because of exams... :'(

6.) i am addicted to looking at Ecards. they are hilariously inappropriate and SO true.
One of my faves at momento-

7.)  i really should get off of my computer and go to the gym...
and with that,

I am off!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

endless exams...

Here I am trying to study for yet ANOTHER exam... Must. Stay. Focused.
But alas, I am on the computer wasting my time facebook stalking checking my emails for class on my NEW COMPUTER FROM BLACK FRIDAY!

Hells to the yes!
(holla to my homie in the back)

So anyway, I've been doin a whole lot of nothing recently. You know, the usual things such as (not) studying, laughing at muri ;) , sleeping, being cray cray, punching babies, sleeping some more.
Yup, tons o' fun. 
Oh, and we finally vaccumed our dorm! check out this beauty- straight out of the 1940's. I love how UF provides us with top of the line equipment >.<
MMM yeah vaccum that floor!!!

And on to more depressing new, check out this disgustingness-
That my friends, is hell in the form of chemistry.
Thank GOD i dont have to take it!
Poor roomies... :)
Alright, i guess i should go on facebook some more study.
D!V@ $tatU$